Burbank, California

(818) 395-6417









How to Buy


L-21: Extended bottom and clear highs

Release date: October 2008

The API™ 512 microphone pre-amp is an elegant and simple design: Runs on 16 volts +/- power, input Transformer, op amp, and output transformer.  The MX-1 respects the heritage of the classic API™ 512 by using the same basic elements; a proprietary input transformers, discrete amplifier blocks, and proprietary UI output transformers. 

The L-21 provides stepped control over (post input transformer-pre discrete block) input attenuation and has a true output level control. 

As a fully functioning microphone preamplifier, the L-21 has two Hi-Pass Filter settings; 70Hz, 40Hz.  Middle position on the switch is for 'off'.  The 70 Hz setting is excellent for tracking vocals and drums overheads, with a gently sloped roll off.  The 40 Hz is more of a general use to remove excess rumble and bandwidth that would be discarded in the mix process anyway, allowing one to capture more of the fundamental audio frequencies from the source.

The L-21 also provides 48v Phantom Power, a phase reversal switch, selectable (pre input transformer) -10db or -20db pad. The L-21 also includes a high gain switch for more output level.

The L21 can handle +12 db of input, making it useful for inserts or as a live audio line driver between the mixer and amps.  The ability to switch the meter between input and output was considered for just such an application.

The design of the L-21 includes onboard regulated power at crucial junctions, insuring repeatable performance from unit to unit, from use to use.

 The L-21 is fully API™ 500 compatible. The L-23 requires an additional voltage.  Your rack can be modified, or VSI makes a 10 space rack and a 6 space lunchbox to accommodate the additional power requirements. 









How to Buy


L-23: Valve Microphone Preamplifier and Compressor

Release date: To Be Determined

Proprietary input transformer, dual valve stages operating at 270V dc in a pentode configuration, proprietary output transformer

The compressor circuit has the gain reduction characteristics of an LA-2, but uses an opto-coupled (more like the LA-4) control circuit that introduces RMS level averaging.  Available compression ratios are 2:1, 4:1, 7:1 and 10:1.

The L-21 provides control over input level with its -20db pad, optimal for use in a console insert. 

The L-21 also provides the same Hi-Pass filters as the L-21, with settings of 40Hz and 70Hz, with a more gentle slope.  48v phantom power, and a phase reversal switch is there as well. The design characteristics include regulated power on board, insuring repeatable performance.

The circuit provides makeup gain is added automatically.  Final output level is determined by the output and gain reduction controls.

The Gain Reduction potentiometer for threshold is provided, as well as a fully calibrated VU meter that shows either input or gain reduction.  An additional benefit is the ability to link two channels of the L-21 for stereo use! See the 6 space lunchbox for more details!

The line level input capability of the MX-3 means that this unit can pull double duty acting as the preamplifier on the way in and an excellent master buss compressor during mix down.

The output line drivers on this unit exceed 32dBm before clipping into line (low impedance) level, making the units and excellent final stage line driver for live sound venues as well.

The L-23 requires an additional voltage.  Your rack can be modified, or VSI makes a 10 space rack and a 6 space lunchbox to accommodate the  M-3 power requirements. The MX-1 and MX-1A are fully  API™ 500 compatible.











How to Buy


Chassis, Racks, Lunchboxes

Release date: October 2008  

PSU-T300 Lunchbox: 6 module chassis and power supply for VSI and API™ compatible units.  This chassis provides an additional 300 volts for valve processors. Stepped relays engage on power up to protect the modules.  Should a module or power supply fail, VSI modules will still pass signal strait through.  The PSU-T300 has inserts jacks that allow a 550a or 550b EQ to be accessed post input/pre output transformer of the VSI pre amp, bypassing the transformers of the 550a or 550b.

The PSU-T300 has 3 stereo link switches for VSI compressors. 

With the stereo link switch, adjacent M-3's, C-4's and C-5's are controlled by the left side unit. 


Release date: To Be Determined

10 Module Rack Mount Chassis: 10 module chassis and power supply for VSI and API™ compatible units. Included 300 volt rail for valve processors.  Protected power circuits to protect the modules.  Should a module or power supply fail, the VSI module will still pass signal strait through.